Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry F

1.  Francium is the largest atom because as you go down the columns the atoms will become larger; as you go right to left the atoms also increase in size.  Francium also has the largest atomic radi among the other atoms, it has the most protons and neutrons in its nucleus.  This atom has the lowest ionization because Francium has the most of seven energy shells, the nucleus can not hold onto its valence electrons as strongly as Fluorine could.  Due to the size of its atomic radi the attraction of the valence electron to the nucleus is weak.  Therefore it does not take a lot of ionization energy to take the electron away from any large atom, such as Francium.  This same idea follows for the electronegativity of Francium because the pull of the valence electron is not strong.  Francium does not need a lot of energy to gain an electron.

2. Helium is the smallest atom because it is the atom in the top right corner of the periodic table.  On the periodic table in each column the atom on the very top is the smallest and as you go from left to right the atoms will eventually appear to be smaller.  Helium, a noble gasses, also has the smallest atomic radi which means the full shell of eight valence electrons is strongly pulled towards the nucleus.  Noble gasses have a full shell of eight electrons, they do not attempt to gain or loose and electron.

3.  The Noble Gasses don't have a large EN value because all the atoms in the far right column already have a full shell of valence electrons.  These atoms do not try to gain or loose any electrons because they want to stay at an nonreactive state. 

4.  Fluorine has the highest EN because it's the smallest atom (not including the Noble Gasses) that has the smallest number of protons and neutrons.  therefore because Fluorine only has two shells the pull form the nucleus to the electrons is strong.  Meaning because Fluorine is a metal and because it is small it really wants to gain one more electron to become a non reactive metal.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

NICKEL is Element #28


Nickel Sulphide
I can be very deceiving so when you look at me look carefully,  but I'm a very beautifull silvery white metal that can be known as kupfernickel (false copper), the DEVILS copper, and St. Nicholas copper.  I had the honor in receiving these wonderful names by Baron Axel Federick Cronstedt in 1751.  During that time I was worth a lot $$$ because I was used for turning glass into a green color.  When Mr. Cronstedt was trying to extract what he thought was copper from my friend element called niccolite, it turned out to be a white metal that he soon named Nickel.  In Dutch it is spelled Nikkel, in Spain its spelled Niquel, and in Italy it's spelled Nichel; as you can see there are many different forms about how to spell my name.  However, the most commonly known way to say my name is Nickel, this type of spelling is also found in four other countries: England, Germany, Sweden, and France.  (WOW I'm just so commonly known there!!!!)  Now if you were to weight me my average weight, is decent compared to all the other elements my atomic mass is 58.69g; I have 28 protons and 31 neutrons, so I'm not to heavy.   I also have -28 electrons and I have four shells of electrons. My atomic radius for a s orbit is 1.276E-9 extremely tiny.  My most natural isotope form would be Ni-58 and this part of me is 89% natural abundance, Ni-60 has and abundance of 0% of a natural abundance, Ni-61 has a natural abundance of 6%, Ni-62 has a natural abundance of 17%, and finally Ni-64 has a natural abundance of 6%.  In the entire universe there is probably 60,000 ppb of little me's floating around and on Earth's crust there is about 90,000 ppb.  With there bring so much of me I can combine with my friends to make an even more extraordinary element, such as nickel diflouride: NiFl2, nickel dichloride: NiCl2, nickel diiodie: NiI2, nickel sulphide: NiS and many many more. 
 I found it very interesting how the five cent nickel is only made up with 25% of nickel, I thought they'd put a little more of me in to truly call it a nickel, I mean if I'm going to be all over the world I want more credit.  I'm also used for stainless steal coating which looks fabulous in any part of a home.   I can very much be used to protect people such as being coated over steel armour plate and a burglar-proof vaults.  I can turn glass green!!! I'm used in batteries as well as electroplating. 
WELL thats a lot about me, Nickel, I hope you enjoyed learning a little about me :) remember I'm #28 on the periodic table of elements

Friday, August 27, 2010


Live you life, Laugh a lot, and Love. 

     Hello everyone I'm Bryana Sui and this is my wonderful blog where I get to share all my thoughts, hopes, and dreams...
I think everyone should get a share in saying something, some people are just down right cold hearted(stay away), and some people I could just love you forever!!!!! BLOG BLOG BLOG hehe blogs are a great way to express yourself and is a great way to relieve some stress.  I hope everyone out there can read my blog and enjoy what I have to say.

What I love is almost everything, the littlest things will amaze me, I'm a hopeless romantic; I always love a cheesy romance story, friends and family are 110% supportive in all the choices I decide to make and if there was one thing I really couldn't live with out it would be playing basketball. :) I love getting on the court and playing the game with my friends, but then after I love to change into something cute and go out...HAVE FUN!!! I'm very passionate about everything I do and I'll always give before I take. love. love. love

Dream.  Dreams are important in everyone person.  Little kids inspire me to dream even bigger, as a kid you dream to become a ballerina, fireman, or even a famous singer one day.  Well, I really want to do something more then just become something, I want to be something and help change the world as we know it. 

ALWAYS...dream big, be yourself, and love.